Tag Archives: Doctor Who New

My Doctor Who Story

When I was about eight or nine years old my family and I received a sci-fi collectible6a00d83452989a69e2010536cd24ae970b-800wi magazine in the mail. This magazine was full of everything you can imagine, it had Star Trek memorabilia, Star Wars memorabilia, Space 1999 memorabilia, Planet of the Apes memorabilia, and this little show that I’d never heard of before that had some really interesting looking toys to go along with it. The show was called Dr. Who. Now being the son of a sci-fi fan my first reaction was to ask my dad, “What is the show?” to which he replied “Oh its Dr. Who, it’s a British science fiction show. I never really watched it. bakerwhoIt is about a guy in a time traveling phone booth who wears a long scarf.” Then in 2005 Dr. Who got revived with 10th-Doctor1Christopher Eccleston in the title role of the doctor the show went on to more renown than it had ever received before. Now the first episode I ever actually saw of the revived Dr. Who series was David Tennant’s last episode The End of Time. Now even though I didn’t understand context I did understand good acting and Tennant’s performance in this episode was just unbelievable. From that point on I was hooked. I’ve seen all of Matt Smith’sDoctor-Who-007 run as the doctor and even gone back and found a handful of classic Who episodes from the early era that I really enjoy, this has become probably one of my top three favorite shows on TV and I just thought I’d share a little of my experience with my readers. Now I’m sure you’re probably asking yourself at this point “well Aaron do you have a favorite Dr.” War Gamesquite simply the answer is probably no, reason being I haven’t actually seen all of them yet. I’ve only seen the first four classic Doctors and the ones from the revival series. I am looking forward to experiencing the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth doctors, but for now I’m happy with all the different incarnations I have seen and I appreciate that each actor brings something different to the role. Now if you’re curious I have seen the 50th anniversary episode Day of the Doctor and I will be writing a review. For now if you’re a WHOVIAN then commit below and let me know what your favorite episode of new Who or classic Who is.